Marie Claire UK’s #NotMyJob campaign goes global for International Women’s Day
This International Women’s Day, as part of Marie Claire UK’s 30th birthday, Marie Claire UK has launched the Not My Job campaign that pushes for genuine equality in the workplace and is in partnership with The Fawcett Society, the UK’s leading charity for women’s rights at work.
With its strong history of campaigning journalism on women’s rights, Marie Claire has always sought to empower and inspire women to fulfil their potential. But as the high-profile scandals of the past year have shown in industries as diverse as politics and entertainment, sexual harassment and discrimination still hold women back.
Marie Claire is calling on its audience to share their experiences of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination because it’s
no woman’s job to…
-Face sexual harassment or be expected to flirt with a client to secure a business deal
-Be talked over in a meeting
-Be overlooked for promotion when returning to work after maternity leave
-Earn less than a male colleague for doing the same job
. Be judged on account of her race
-Be excluded because of a disability
Starting on International Women’s Day 2018 and running throughout Marie Claire’s 30th birthday year, we will be pushing for three key actions:
-To put in place legislation to place liability on an employer for acts of harassment by a third party
– including clients, contractors or customers who sexually harass, or who make derogatory comments based on gender, race, sexuality, disability, trans status or religion
-To protect our hard-fought workplace rights and legislation in the face of Brexit
-To push for genuine equality in the workplace for all women, from all backgrounds
Marie Claire UK are also partnering with Judge Sykes Frixou. The law firm, renowned for its reputation for safeguarding women’s rights at work, will provide us with expert legal advice to create a hub on marieclaire.co.uk for women who find themselves being discriminated against in the workplace.
The campaign has been extended internationally to more than 17 markets of Marie Claire around the world, ensuring this campaign for change is truly global.
Watch the video here: