Marie Claire France’s #IndifferenceZero campaign against harassment in public spaces.

March 8th

Today on International Women’s Day, Marie Claire France has launched a campaign against harassment in public spaces, with the support of thirty public figures. The campaign launches a dedicated hashtag, #IndifferenceZero / #ZeroIndifference to raise awareness. This impactful campaign is in partnership with DDB agency and includes a print campaign, 10s video spots, radio, social, street marketing and outdoor (350 digital panels throughout the Paris metro).
Marie Claire France will publish a 10 page feature in their April issue released on 7th March. The 30 public figures will support the campaign with selfies and social support.“Perhaps one day, women will no longer feel afraid in the street or on public transport. Perhaps one day women could go about their daily lives without constantly thinking about how they should protect themselves against assault.”
The campaign communicates the strong message that we need to act together against harassment.

Here is the translation in English:
To the ones who are silent, motionless, invisible.
To those who pretend to only hear the music in their headphones.
To those who aren’t going anywhere special, but are walking there fast.
To the lovers who keep kissing for a bit longer than they usually do.
And to those who have already re-read the same sentence nine times.
To the shy ones, who are always looking away.
And to the dreamers, just staring into space.
To the professionals, deeply focussed on phone calls and work emergencies.
To all of you I want to say a big “thank you”, for all the things you do to make sure you hear nothing, say nothing and do nothing.
Thanks to you, I’m free to call a woman a bitch, a whore, even worse.
I can say whatever I like. To any woman. At any time. Anywhere.