Our History

Popular from birth

When Marie Claire was born in October 1937, selling 500,000 copies of the first issue, causing a stampede at the newsstand and the police to be called in to control the situation. By the eve of World War II, in 1939, it was up to nearly a million copies in 1939. Then a weekly, Marie Claire was a magazine ahead of its time, offering serious and provocative journalism for women, by women, on top of covering all the latest in fashion and beauty. Women were hungry for this unique blend, eager to finally be taken seriously by the media. With legendary power-woman Marcelle Auclair at its head, Marie Claire became the first modern women’s fashion magazine. Popular demand soon turned into phenomenal sales.

An international perspective

Jean Prouvost, the creator and owner of Paris Soir, the leading daily newspaper of the century (selling 1,700,000 copies in 1939), and genious inventor of Marie Claire, said: "we will not be a good magazine by looking at ourselves in the mirror... a good magazine should take its inspiration from looking at magazines around the world". Jean Prouvost’s goal was to speak to women of all ages, from all walks of life. He wanted Marie Claire to be a magazine that spoke to both "la petite Française" and "la Duchesse d’Aven", evidencing an social egalitarianism that was rare for its time. Although the title remained exclusively French for a number of decades, Jean Prouvost travelled extensively to develop the editorial formula of Marie Claire, taking inspiration from American and British methods of journalism.

Into the modern, global era

After shutting down during the turmoil of WWII, Marie Claire was born a second time in October 1954, this time as a monthly, with the same founder, Jean Prouvost, the same editor, Marcelle Auclair, and the same mission. In 1976, after the dissolution of his press group, his daughter Evelyne Prouvost founded Groupe Marie Claire with her sisters, and became its CEO. The Marie Claire group started its international development with the launch of Marie Claire Japan in 1982, followed by Marie Claire Italy and Marie Claire Spain in 1987, Marie Claire UK, Marie Claire Greece and Marie Claire Turkey in 1988, Marie Claire Latin America and Marie Claire Hong Kong in 1990, Marie Claire Brazil in 1991, Marie Claire Taiwan and Marie Claire Korea in 1993, Marie Claire USA in 1994, Marie Claire Australia in 1995, Marie Claire Russia in 1997 and Marie Claire China in 2002.

A strengthened network

In 2004, Arnaud de Contades (Evelyne’s son) became CEO of Groupe Marie Claire. Since then, Arnaud de Contades focused on driving diversification and amplifying the digital transformation of the group. He also continued to accelerate the international development of Marie Claire, launching Marie Claire in Czech Rep., Hungary, Ukraine, Middle East, Argentina and more recently in Serbia, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Columbia and Germany. Every year, Marie Claire keeps exploring new territories, expanding in new markets, opening news magazines and distributing its unique perspective around the world.

In France, in addition to Marie Claire and its sister magazines, the Marie Claire Group also publishes: Marie Claire Maison, Marie Claire Enftants, Cosmopolitan, Stylist, Avantages, MagicMaman, Marie Claire Idées, Cuisine et Vins de France and La Revue du Vin de France, as well as many websites.

Speaking to women everywhere.

This unique perspective, based on journalistic ethics, respect for women as individuals with agency, mixed with a unique sense of style and an expert and discerning take on beauty products and the beauty industry is shared around the world through fashion and beauty focused magazine brands, extensive digital platforms, print magazines and social media platforms and by meeting readers face to face in glamorous yet accessible events. As a result, Marie Claire now connects with an audience of over 87 million internationally.

Today Marie Claire is present in 30 markets around the world including Europe, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, making Marie Claire one of the most widely recognized women's fashion media brands in the world.