Marie Claire
Saudi Arabia

Marie Claire Saudi Arabia

Marie Claire Saudi Arabia

Marie Claire Arabia is a monthly magazine that reflects the latest trends. It is a young, dynamic, and urban magazine that empowers Arab women and relates to them. It covers several fields, among which are fashion, beauty, celebrity and social. Mediaquest launched Marie Claire Arabia in November 2012 which is distributed in KSA and Marie Claire Lower Gulf in February 2013 which is distributed in the rest of the Gulf region. Since then, the brand has never ceased to be a pioneer in the Arab fashion magazine industry, boasting a large number of devoted readers and followers.

Total Footprint: 958k

Marie Claire Saudi Arabia Contacts

Editor-in-Chief: Farah KREIDIEH
Publisher: Obeida DANHACH
Mediaquest, Zee Tower
Office 206
po Box 72184 Dubai Media City
General Enquiries:

Marie Claire Saudi Arabia Sub Brands

Marie Claire Maison

Marie Claire Maison